Image of Rundtartaar met aardpeer, Reypenaer kaas en azijnparels

Beef tartare with Jerusalem artichoke, Reypenaer cheese and vinegar pearls

  • February 11, 2025


  • Beef tartare
  • Jerusalem artichoke
  • Capers
  • Vinegar pearls
  • Reypenaer cheese
  • Maldon salt
  • TOPIKÁ Intense olive oil
  • Lime zest
  • Herbal oil (optional, for finishing)

Preparation method:

  1. Cut the Jerusalem artichoke, capers and steak tartare into small cubes (brunoise).
  2. Mix the capers through the tartare and add Maldon salt and TOPIKÁ Intense olive oil.
  3. Mix the Jerusalem artichoke with salt, Reypenaer cheese, olive oil and a little lime zest.
  4. Add the pre-made vinegar pearls (available in specialty stores or online).


  1. Place a ring mold on the plate and start with a layer of tartare.
  2. Add a layer of Jerusalem artichoke mixture.
  3. Top with the vinegar pearls.
  4. If desired, add herbal oil for extra flavor.